Art For The People Project

Art For The People Project is dedicated to providing communities access to art programs, community murals and original artwork that addresses themes of decolonization, ancestry, migration, gender justice, disability justice, and mental health.

The Art For The People Project Origin Story

Art For The Project was founded by Sen Mendez, an Oakland print making artist who developed as a long term strategy towards wellness and healing in local communities using Art as a tool. Our dream is to offer job opportunities, resources and art residencies in communities directly impacted by systematic racism, police brutality and poverty. Sen is currently in collaboration and working under Moments Cooperative doing similar work so we can offer access to art everywhere!

How your support impacts Art For The People Project

All funding will cover cost of supplies and lead Artist costs.

Your support continues our free program of  'Y(our) Legacy', production costs and exhibit our 'Y(our) Legacy: Liberation For All of Us' Series.

You can email us at [email protected] for more information.